

“I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full.”
We aim to develop students’ agency in learning, so all students have the skills and dispositions to make positive and proactive decisions about their learning.
We also recognise and understand the importance of teamwork and provide opportunities to collaborate with others in their learning. We recognise the contemporary world our students live in and the importance for engaging them to be active and critical citizens in a technological world.
School Vision Statement
Inspired by Mary and guided by our faith in her Son, Jesus, we aspire to be a respectful, nurturing and engaging learning community. Scripture Reference: “I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10
School Mission Statement
We inspire faith-filled students who authentically respond to the Gospel Values. We foster a diverse community that values inclusion, compassion, empathy and daily mission living in order to make a difference We value collaboration and high expectations to grow our students and instill a love of learning.
Our personalised teaching approach empowers each individual to flourish. We nurture authentic leaders with a global perspective; developing empathy and understanding for cultural, environmental and social justice issues. We embrace differences and create an inclusive learning environment, cultivating respect and kindness.
We gratefully acknowledge the good in our lives and strive for a welcoming, supportive, and safe community. We are stewards of creation and show responsibility for the environment and actively care for creation.