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Child Safety
Child Safety
Our school has a focus on child safety and to fulfill the requirements of the Victorian Parliament Child Wellbeing and Safety Amendment (Child Safe Standards) Bill 2015 (Vic.) which introduced into law the Victorian Child-Safe Standards, particularly those requirements needed to be in place by 1 August 2016.
The Catholic Education Commission Victoria is committed to strengthen the practice for the protection of children in line with the Victorian Government Child Safety reforms. The Commitment Statement from Catholic Education Commission Victoria can be accessed at by clicking here.
Preventing and responding to child abuse and keeping children safe requires a community response to bring about broad cultural change so Child Safety is everyone’s responsibility. The Victorian Child Safe Standards apply to a broad range of organisations that provide services for children, including schools, churches, sporting clubs and youth services.
Whilst Our Lady Star of the Sea school is compliant with the Child Safety requirements Child Safety is an ongoing commitment and our school will continually monitor, review and evaluate our policies and practices to maintain the requirements in regard to awareness, understanding and organisational preventative measures to ensure the safety of the students at Our Lady Star of the Sea School.
Our staff are committed to understanding and accepting the associated policies and Code of Conduct which gives clarity and clear direction for Child Safety.
Our School Education Board has ratified our policies and Code of Conduct in relation to Child Safety.
For further information in regard to child safety from the Catholic Education Melbourne, click here to go to their website.
For further information in regard to child safety from Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority, click here to go to their website.
Click here to access the Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy for Our Lady Star of the Sea School.
Click here to access the Child Safety and Wellbeing Record Keeping Policy for Our Lady Star of the Sea School.
Click here to access the Child Safe Code of Conduct
Commitment Statement to Child Safety Click here
Click here to access the Reportable Conduct Scheme.
Travelsmart encourages more students to walk, scoot or cycle to school. Highlights for the students are the Hands Up surveys and the Golden Sneaker Award, awarded to the class who had the most active travellers each week.
Ride to school and walk to school days are promoted within the learning community.